
Thermostats are an important device in your home that monitor the temperature and have your HVAC system adjust its heating or cooling depending on the settings you have. It’s important that your thermostat is working properly so it can work efficiently and have accurate readings. If you’re having trouble keeping your home temperature stable and comfortable, it might be the placement of your thermostat. 

Does Placement Matter?

Some people might think placement doesn’t matter for your thermostat, but actually it does. Having your thermostat placed in the wrong area can result in your HVAC system running too often or not enough. That’s because the thermostat’s readings are inaccurate and cause different changes. It also causes higher energy bills because of the energy being wasted. With placement being important, it’s good to know what placements are good and bad for your thermostat to be.

Thermostat Placements to Avoid

1. Near Air Vents

Having your thermostat close or above an air vent can skew the temperature readings because the air coming in hits the thermostat first. With the air coming in cool or warm the reading will think it’s warmer or colder than it actually is. It can cause your HVAC system to not work correctly because it thinks your home has reached the desired temperature. 

2. Direct Sunlight

With the thermostat being under direct sunlight, it can give you false readings with the sensors reading that the room is warmer than it actually is. It can start up your AC during the winter thinking it’s warmer and trying to cool the house. This can waste a ton of energy because it will keep cycling on and off and raise up your energy bill.

3. The Kitchen

Out of all the places in your home, the kitchen is the warmest area because of the cooking and appliances that you use like the stove and oven. Having your thermostat in the kitchen will read that your home is warmer than it actually is. It’ll cause fluctuations of temperatures and will confuse your thermostat because of the inaccurate readings. You’ll notice that whenever you’re using the kitchen to cook or bake, your home will start to cool down. 

4. Near Windows or Doors

The thermostat being near the door or windows can have the draft from any cracks or gaps read that it’s much colder than it actually is. If your thermostat is near the front door it’ll read from the outside air more than the indoor air. This will cause your heating or AC system to cycle on and off which will waste energy and raise your utility bill. It also won’t ever reach the comfortable temperature you set for your home. 

Ideal Thermostat Placement

1. Rooms Used More Often

With rooms you’re in the most, you want it to be as comfortable as possible. Having your thermostat in these rooms will cool or warm your space just as you like it. The readings will be accurate and not have any false readings that can affect your thermostat. Make sure it’s placed where there are no drafts or being in direct sunlight.

2. First Floor in Two-Story Home

Living in a two-story home, the heat rises to the upstairs and if your thermostat is installed there it’ll think it’s warmer than it really is. It’s best to have your thermostat on the first floor in a central area so it can balance the temperature in your whole home. This will help not only balance the temperature everywhere but also save on energy with the temperature 

3. Center of Home

    Having your thermostat in a central area of your home is usually best recommended. It’ll read the average home temperature so the thermostat will be more accurate and energy efficient. With it being in the center area, it’ll be more accessible to all family members and heat or cool your home accurately. 

    Having your thermostat installed in a proper place can save you money and your comfort all year long. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you’ll have optimal AC or heating and not have to worry about energy being wasted. If you have any questions or concerns about your thermostat or needing a new one installed, Omni Air HVAC are the professional team you can trust. We’re here to help with any of your thermostat needs and our knowledgeable team can answer any questions you may have. Call us today!

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